Have you ever wondered if someone you know, or even yourself, might not be a true Christian? Well, here are 15+ signs that can help you spot if someone is a fake Christian. If a person is not truly following Jesus Christ, there will be clear signs in the way they live their lives. Here in the article are 15+ major Signs Of a Fake Christian that will show if that person is not a true follower of Jesus Christ.
What Is A Fake Christian?

A fake Christian is someone who says they are a Christian but doesn’t live according to the Bible or the teachings of Jesus Christ. They don’t show any good actions that support their claims.
Usually, a counterfeit Christian may appear very religious on the outside and attend church regularly, but their behavior is just like that of non-believers. They don’t have the positive qualities that true Christians should have.
In simple terms, a fake Christian is like a person who only goes to church on Sundays but doesn’t have genuine faith, a connection with God, or the good qualities that real believers should demonstrate.
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Signs Of A Counterfeit Christian
Here are 15+ signs that can help you tell if someone might not be a true Christian and needs to genuinely repent to find salvation.
- Doesn’t follow their religious beliefs properly
- False Covert
- Disobeys God’s teachings
- Doesn’t live a good and pure life
- Believes in false ideas
- Can’t accept sensible ideas
- Acts hypocritically
- Is too focused on worldly matters
- Sinner
- Unloving
- He lies in his life
- Secret Sinner
- Doesn’t Know God
- Fake Christian Doesn’t Love People
- When You Have Idols
- Serving Satan’s kingdom
Doesn’t follow their religious beliefs properly:

If someone claims to be a Christian but doesn’t truly follow the teachings of Jesus in their everyday life, they might be what some people call a “fake Christian.” These individuals may go to church regularly, but their actions don’t reflect the love and values of Christ.
On the other hand, there are people who only use the name of Jesus but don’t actually live according to His teachings. This is what the Bible verse Titus 1:16 is talking about. Many folks today go to church as a routine, but their actions don’t show a genuine connection to Christ’s teachings.
A true Christian, however, isn’t just religious for show. They live their life in a way that reflects the love, goodness, and righteousness that Jesus taught. So, being a real Christian means more than just going to church on Sundays; it means living a life guided by the principles of Jesus.
False Covert:

Fake conversion is a major sign of someone who isn’t a true Christian. A fake convert is someone who claims to be a Christian but doesn’t show any signs of truly changing their ways and living a life guided by the teachings of Jesus. Real Christians, on the other hand, are expected to display certain qualities and values that come from the Holy Spirit.
If you’re a fake Christian, you might say you’ve been “born again” but your actions won’t match that claim. You’ll continue to live in a sinful way, even if you regularly attend church.
If you realize that you’re a fake Christian and were never genuinely saved in the first place, it’s important to truly repent and turn your life around. This way, you can genuinely accept Jesus into your life before it’s too late.
Disobeys God’s teachings:

Another way to tell if someone might not be a genuine Christian is if they don’t follow or care about God’s teachings. They may go to church, but their actions don’t match their beliefs.
In the book of Matthew 15:8, Jesus mentions people who say they love God but don’t really mean it because their actions show otherwise.
In John 14:15, Jesus also says that if you truly love Him, you’ll follow His teachings. This is an important test to see if you’re a real Christian.
If you claim to be a true Christian but don’t live according to God’s teachings, you’re not being honest with yourself. If you were to pass away or if Christ were to return now, you might not go to heaven.
Doesn’t live a good and pure life:

You can tell if someone might not be a genuine Christian by looking at whether they actually follow and care about what God teaches in the Bible. Sometimes, people go to church, but their actions don’t match what they say they believe.
In the book of Matthew 15:8, Jesus talks about people who claim to love God but don’t really mean it because their actions show otherwise.
In John 14:15, Jesus also says that if you truly love Him, you’ll follow His teachings. This is an important way to check if you’re a real Christian.
So, if you say you’re a true Christian but don’t live according to what God teaches, you might not be honest with yourself. If you were to pass away or if Christ were to return now, you might not go to heaven.
Believes in false ideas:

Some people who claim to be Christians actually follow false teachings from leaders who pretend to be followers of Christ. They go to churches that don’t really teach the true message of Jesus. This happens because they don’t have the Holy Spirit, which is given to true believers to guide them in understanding the truth.
Instead, these fake believers are drawn to false teachings from false leaders because they prefer to hear what makes them feel good, even if it’s not true. Many so-called Christians today fit into this category, avoiding churches that preach about living a holy life and avoiding sin.
The Bible warns about these people in 2 Timothy 4:3, saying they won’t tolerate teachings that encourage them to live a righteous life and avoid sin. The message here is to not be like these people and seek the true teachings of Christ.
Can’t accept sensible ideas:

If someone doesn’t truly believe in Christianity, they might not be able to accept the teachings of the Bible, especially those about sin and living a holy life. These teachings might make them uncomfortable because they prefer sinful behavior over righteousness. Sadly, only a few Christians today are willing to embrace these true teachings.
Similar to the fake followers in John 6:60 who abandoned Jesus when they heard what real Christianity entails, some people today may leave churches that preach these sound biblical teachings. Many fake Christians have strayed from their genuine faith and been led astray by false churches mentioned in 1 Timothy 4:1.
Instead of finding spiritual nourishment and growth in these false churches, they are often attracted to churches that only teach untrue stories and myths. These churches are often crowded on Sundays.
Acts hypocritically:

If someone claims to be a Christian but doesn’t truly follow Christian values in their life, they might be considered a fake Christian or a hypocrite. These are people who pretend to be good and holy, but inside, they are not genuinely devoted to God.
They might act like they have the qualities that true believers should have, just to impress others, but in reality, they don’t possess those qualities (Galatians 6:3).
This is similar to the Pharisees whom Jesus criticized in Matthew 23:27. They seemed righteous on the outside but were actually insincere and full of hidden flaws.
Hypocritical Christians lack the genuine virtues of Christ, which is why they fake their faith to appear religious to others. However, God knows what’s in their hearts, and they can’t deceive Him.
It’s essential to understand that in Christianity, you can’t fake your way to true faith. Your true nature will eventually become evident to everyone, as a tree is known by its fruits. So, if you’re a hypocrite, your true colors will show over time.
Is too focused on worldly matters:

It’s a simple fact that if you’re not a genuine Christian, you’ll tend to focus more on worldly and material things rather than on spiritual matters related to God, which are everlasting.
Unfortunately, some churches today have become influenced by worldly values. This is evident in the way some people who call themselves Christians behave, especially in how they dress and who they associate with. The Bible tells us to stay separate from worldly influences (2 Corinthians 6:17).
These days, it can be challenging to distinguish between a Christian and someone who doesn’t follow the Christian faith because the clear differences that should exist between true believers and the rest of the world have become less obvious.
Many Christians today no longer adhere to the principles of dressing modestly and living a godly life. This is regrettable. If you’re not a sincere Christian, you might end up looking and acting just like everyone else in the world, rather than reflecting the teachings of Jesus in your clothing, thoughts, and lifestyle. This is something we should avoid if we claim to follow the Lord.

Living a sinful life shows that someone might not be a genuine Christian because true Christians strive to live holy lives like Jesus. Sadly, many people claim to be Christians but continue to enjoy sinful behavior, which is concerning.
The Bible, in 1 John 3:8, says that those who keep sinning are following the devil, who is the source of sin. But if you’re a real follower of Christ, you’ll try to live a righteous life, just like He did.
That’s why it’s not surprising to see people who call themselves Christians but still engage in things like drinking excessively, having sex outside of marriage, lying, and other sinful actions.
If you find yourself in this situation, it’s important to take your Christian faith more seriously. In 2 Timothy 2:19, the Bible says that if you claim to follow the Lord, you should turn away from sinful behavior. This is a sign of true salvation.

In 2 Timothy 3:1-5, Paul talks about a sign of the last days being that many people will lack love and care for others.
If you’re someone who only goes to church on Sundays but doesn’t truly follow the teachings of Jesus, you might not have the deep love that real believers have. This special love is called “agape,” and it’s selfless.
For fake believers, their actions may be more about themselves, and they might treat others poorly because of their selfishness. This selfishness goes against what Jesus teaches.
It’s important to know that as humans, we tend to be selfish by nature. This is why it can be challenging to love others selflessly.
For those who only care about what they can get from others, their love isn’t genuine. In Romans 12:9, the Bible says that our love should be sincere, which is only possible if you have truly embraced Christ’s teachings and have a new, Christ-like nature.
He lies in his life:

When someone hasn’t truly embraced a new way of living through their faith, they might end up telling lies even when it’s unnecessary.
It’s important to understand that whether the lies are small, big, or anything in between, lying is still wrong. According to the Bible in Revelation 21:8, it’s said that those who lie will face consequences.
If someone is pretending to be a Christian but is not really committed to living a truthful and honest life, they may end up lying in various situations. This makes it hard to trust many Christians today, as some of them are not sincere and can be deceitful.
In simple terms, lying is a bad choice and can lead to serious consequences. It’s best to be truthful and avoid lies to build trust and avoid harming others.
Secret Sinner:

Proverbs 6:25 advises us not to long for someone’s attractiveness in our hearts or get entrapped by their appearance. In Matthew 5:28, Jesus clarifies that looking at someone with lustful desire is akin to committing adultery in your heart.
When Christians secretly engage in these sinful thoughts and actions, they are heading towards harm.
If we claim to be without sin, we are fooling ourselves, but if we admit our wrongs, God is kind and just to forgive us and cleanse us from our wrongdoing. Denying our sins makes us dishonest and contradicts God’s teachings.
Instead, when you find yourself struggling with such hidden sins, turn to God for spiritual restoration and resist the devil’s plan to harm you. Seek help from organizations like Harvest USA, which provide resources for dealing with sexual addictions.
Doesn’t Know God:

Have you ever met people who say they’re Christians but don’t live out their faith? They remind me of the Pharisees and Sadducees, whom Jesus criticized as being hypocritical and empty inside.
These insincere Christians act like they have authority but lack true spiritual connection with God. The Bible verses below describe them well:
“They claim to belong to me, but their words are empty because their hearts are far from me. They follow religious rules mechanically” (Isaiah 29:13).
They say they know God, but their actions show otherwise. They’re unlikable, disobedient, and can’t do any good deeds (Titus 1:16).
Fake Christian Doesn’t Love People:

In the future, there will be challenging times. People will become selfish, love money too much, be proud, rude, not listen to their parents, be ungrateful, not behave well, lack kindness, be hard to please, say hurtful things about others, have no self-control, act cruelly, not value goodness, be deceitful, act recklessly, and think too highly of themselves. They will prefer pleasure over honoring God, and some might pretend to be godly but won’t truly follow God’s ways. We should avoid such people.
This paragraph talks about how in the future, both people in churches and those outside may display these negative traits. According to Jesus, our love for one another is what should distinguish us as His followers, so church members who only care about themselves are not representing God properly.
When You Have Idols:

You should only worship and believe in me, God. Don’t create idols or images of anything in the sky, on the earth, or in the sea. Never bow down or adore these things, because I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God and won’t tolerate you loving anyone or anything else.
An idol is anything or anyone that you give your loyalty to instead of God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. It could be family members, possessions, jobs, or even a computer. Make sure to remove these idols from your heart before they take control.
Serving Satan’s kingdom:

In a Christian’s life, there are two sides: one belonging to God and the other to Satan. You either serve God or Satan. When God is not a priority or not even considered, it can lead to problems. In such cases, your own desires become more important than anyone else’s.
Clear Signs Of A Fake Christian
I hope that you have read all the signs that I have mentioned carefully and that you can know whether you are really a Christian or not. If you feel any of these signs in you, then you need to repent. Before I finish, please share your thoughts in the comments below. Did you find this post helpful or have a question?
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