If you’re thinking about doing a spiritual fast, that’s great! You are going in the right direction. You may be wondering Things To Avoid When Fasting And Praying, what you should do and what foods are okay to eat during it, you have come to the right place because we have answered these questions for you. Will give answers.
In Matthew 6:16, Jesus spoke about fasting, which means not eating for a period of time. He said that when we fast, we should not pretend like some people. Instead, it should be something we do quietly.
Jesus himself fasted for 40 days and nights, indicating the fasting he expected of his followers. It is not just for a certain group of highly spiritual people. This is for all Christians and followers of Jesus.
Fasting is a familiar practice for many people. Some people do it for self-control or health reasons, but basically it’s a spiritual practice. When people fast, they give up food and sometimes other things that take up their time, so that they can be closer to God.
From the Old Testament to the New Testament, the Bible contains many stories of people fasting. He fasted for various reasons. Some of these reasons include…

- People can make up for their wrongdoings by seeking forgiveness, feeling sorry for their actions, and trying to make things right, like how David asked God for forgiveness after doing bad things.
- People can also listen to God’s guidance and be humble in front of Him, just like it says in Acts 13:2 and Psalm 69:10.
- When someone is sad and wants to improve their relationship with God, they can spend time with Him, as mentioned in Luke 2:37.
- Praying for others and asking God for help with their needs is also important.
Which foods should be eaten during fasting and prayer?
The food you can eat while fasting depends on the specific fasting method you follow. Different fasting types have their own rules about what’s allowed for those who do them. Here are some examples of these fasting methods and what they permit:
- Lent: Lent is a period that goes on for 40 days. During Lent, Catholics should not eat their favorite foods, and they are not allowed to eat meat on Ash Wednesday and all the Fridays while they are fasting.
- Daniel Fast: You can do a 21-day fast where you eat only plant-based foods like fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, and spices. But during this fast, you can’t have fish, meat, eggs, dairy, wine, or pastries.
- White Fasting: This fast is like the Daniel fast, but it’s even stricter. During this fast, people don’t eat things that have salt, pepper, oil, flour, or sugar.
- Dry Fasting: This type of fast is the toughest one, where you don’t eat or drink anything for a whole day or even longer.
You can opt for a regular fast, where you can eat the food of your choice after breaking the fast. You can decide to break your fast at 12pm, 3pm, 6pm, 9pm, or whenever you feel you can continue.
Prayer and fasting are shared. While prayer alone is enough for God to hear you, the combination of prayer and fasting shows God that your request is truly important and needs to be answered quickly. There are some tough challenges in our Christian journey that can only be met through prayer and fasting.
In Matthew 17:14-21, the disciples asked Jesus why they couldn’t heal a boy with epilepsy, and Jesus told them it was because they didn’t have enough faith.
He mentioned that with strong faith, they could do incredible things, even move mountains. But in verse 17, he added, “But this kind of problem, dealing with the devil and his demons, requires not only faith but also prayer and fasting.”
This means that when facing tough spiritual battles, you need a combination of strong belief in God, praying, and going without food for a while.
It’s important to note that fasting isn’t just for difficult times. It’s a way to refresh your soul, seek God like you seek food when you’re hungry, and be close to Him. It’s a chance to be humble before God and listen to His words.

Any person who only comes to you when they are in trouble and ignores you after their hard time is over, you will surely get tired of such a person because he is Selfish, right? Having a relationship with God works both ways. We talk to Him, and we also listen to what He wants for our lives.
Now that we understand that fasting and praying is something we should all do as children of God, we should also know what to avoid, what to do, and what not to do during fasting. What’s okay to do during biblical fasting?
20+ Things To Avoid When Fasting And Praying
When you’re fasting and praying, it’s important to avoid certain things to ensure your prayers are effective and your fast achieves its purpose. Some of these are spiritual, while others are just common-sense tips.
Firstly, if you’re a Christian, you should stay away from any known sins, whether you’re fasting or not. It’s crucial to live a holy life as God does, and this should be consistent whether you’re fasting or not. Continuing to sin while professing to fast and pray will essentially cancel out the benefits of your fast and make your prayers less effective. So, avoid sinful behavior during your fasting and at all times.
In simpler terms, when fasting and praying, don’t do things you know are wrong, especially if you’re a Christian. Keep living a good and holy life, both during your fast and in your everyday life. This way, your prayers will be more powerful and effective.
On the flip side, when it comes to the physical aspect, you shouldn’t engage in strenuous activities like exercise when you’re fasting and praying. Doing so could harm your body and make it tough to continue fasting or praying.
With that in mind, let’s dive into some specific things you should avoid during fasting and praying to ensure you don’t inadvertently break your fast.
1. Avoid showing sadness on your face:

When you fast and pray, it is important that you do not look sad or sad, as mentioned in the Bible, especially in Matthew 6:16. The verse warns against acting like the hypocrites who deliberately pretend that they are fasting to gain praise from others. Instead, when you fast, you should look good. It’s about maintaining a positive and cheerful demeanor. You are not fasting to show how disciplined or spiritual you are to others, but to have a personal relationship with Allah, to humble yourself before Him, and to seek His blessings. have
The Bible goes even further and advises that you should be refreshed during your fast. Apply on your head and wash your face to make you look great and glowing. It goes to show that you shouldn’t let your fast reflect on your appearance. In summary, you should take care of yourself and look your best when you fast, because everything created by Allah is beautiful and wonderful.
2. Avoid The Sin Of Fornication And Adultery:

Fasting can sometimes increase both your spiritual and physical sensitivity, making you more emotionally vulnerable. This heightened sensitivity can lead to small things bothering you during a fast. For some Christians who haven’t mastered self-control over their desires, this can be a problem.
They might be tempted to engage in sexual activity during a fast, which is against their beliefs. It’s important to avoid sexual sins like fornication and adultery when fasting because these actions go against the idea of treating your body as a sacred place for the Holy Spirit.
3. Avoid Poor Bible Study Habits:

It’s essential for all Christians, whether fasting or not, to spend time each day studying the Bible. The Bible is a source of guidance, instruction, and encouragement, with a message for us every day. Just like when you study for a test, you don’t quickly skim through the material; instead, you take notes and go over the important parts repeatedly to remember them.
When reading the Bible, approach it in the same way: memorize verses and take notes. As Psalm 119:11 says, “I have stored up your word in my heart, so I won’t go against God’s will.” Failing to study and remember God’s word puts you at risk of going against His teachings. You can also read devotionals and books by authors inspired by the Holy Spirit to strengthen your faith and spiritual growth.
4. Avoid Vulgarity And Garrulousness:

When you fast and pray, it’s important to speak less and connect with God in your heart and spirit. You should control your words while fasting because talking too much can weaken your spiritual strength. In simple terms, excessive talking can deplete your inner strength and grace. Stay devoted and focused on your spiritual practice.
5. Avoid Listening/Watching Secular Media:

Have you ever found that when you close your eyes to pray, your thoughts wander to scenes of intimacy from a movie you recently watched? This can happen to many of us.
It’s not necessary to completely avoid non-religious movies, but it’s important to be mindful of the content you expose yourself to. Movies and music that contain sensual content, violence, nudity, or other strong themes are not suitable, especially during Christian fasting.
Some of these movies may even make fun of or criticize Christianity. During your fasting period, you should aim to offer yourself as a devoted follower of God, focusing on worship and being in His presence.
6. Avoid Walkout And Exercises:

If you’re fasting and praying for several days, it’s not a good idea to do intense workouts and exercise. Going to the gym and doing tough, two-hour workouts early in the morning can make you feel very weak and drain your energy when you’re on a strict fast. So, it’s best to avoid strenuous exercise while fasting and praying.
7. Avoid Repetitive Babbling When Praying:

In the Bible, Jesus teaches us not to use empty, repetitive words when we pray, like some people who think that saying the same things over and over will make their prayers more effective. It’s important not to mindlessly repeat words without understanding their meaning, as if we’re chanting to a god like an idol.
When you fast and pray, believe that God hears your prayers and knows your needs even before you ask. You don’t need to repeat the same words endlessly. If you’re looking for guidance, you can find many helpful prayer ideas in books and blogs.
8. Avoid strenuous work:

While you’re not required to quit your job unless you’re on a break (like a vacation or time off), it’s best to take it easy when you’re fasting and praying. If you can, try not to work, but if you have to, do lighter tasks and avoid strenuous work. Stay away from both physically and mentally demanding jobs. The idea is not to stress yourself too much during fasting and praying because it might make it hard to focus on extra praying and studying the Bible, which are important during this time.
9. Avoid Fasting Without Praying:

Fasting and praying go hand in hand. When you fast without praying, it’s just like doing intermittent fasting or a weight loss diet. In the Bible, when people fasted, they also prayed, and they did it multiple times. Jesus advised against using empty, repetitive words when praying. Prayer is a vital part of a Christian’s spiritual life, and we’re encouraged to pray continuously.
Believers can confidently approach God, knowing that He hears and answers our prayers, as long as we ask in line with His will. When you pray, it’s good to use the words from the Bible to support your prayers, and you can trust that your prayers will be answered in Jesus’ name.
10. Avoid Social Media:

Certainly, it is a good idea to avoid using Facebook, Twitter, Tiktok, and other social media while fasting.
Some people are so addicted to Facebook that they spend too much time on it, connecting with people from all over the world.
It is possible that God is urging you to reduce your use of social media during your fast so that you can spend time with Him.
Just think about spending at least 6 hours of your day with the Lord during the 7-day fast, time you would have wasted on social media, which often doesn’t matter much.
This change can positively impact your life!
11. Avoid Praying Without Thanksgiving:

Prayer during fasting is crucial, but don’t forget to thank God when you pray. Just like you expect a “thank you” when you do something nice for someone, God likes to hear our thanks. He enjoys praise and even dwells in the praises of his followers.
Praising God is a powerful tool for believers. There are stories in the Bible where people were saved through their praises. For instance, Paul and Silas were locked up in a secure prison, but when they praised God at midnight, their chains fell off.
Another example is King Jehoshaphat and the people of Judah. They praised the Lord as they headed into a battle with a much stronger and cruel enemy. Surprisingly, their enemies turned against each other and wiped themselves out, without Judah having to fight.
12. Avoid Dehydration:

Of course, sometimes you might want to fast for about 3 days, like Queen Esther and the children of Israel did when they needed help against Haman. A fast of 3 or even 7 days without food and water can be okay.
But if you want to fast for longer than that, it’s better to drink water and stay hydrated. It’s not a good idea to attempt a 40-day fast like Moses, Elijah, and Jesus did without water; it can be very dangerous.
So, be smart and take care of yourself!
13. Avoid Public Attention:

Jesus says in Matthew 6:5-6, When you pray, don’t be like those who pretend to be pious in public places just to get attention from others. Jesus tells us that such people have already received their reward. Instead, when you pray, find a quiet, private space and talk to God, who can’t be seen but can hear you. God will notice your sincere prayers in private and reward you.
Also, when you fast and pray, don’t make a show of it in front of others. Instead, keep it private, and genuinely connect with the Lord. Some people pray just to show off and get praise from others, but Jesus advises against that. Pray with a sincere heart, and your Heavenly Father, who sees your true intentions, will answer your prayers promptly.
14. Avoid tiring sports:

If you’re fasting and praying, it’s best not to participate in strenuous sports that demand a lot of energy. Avoid playing football or basketball during this time, as you could become physically exhausted and even risk serious harm or exhaustion.
15. Avoid Committing Sin:

It’s important to remember that when you’re fasting and praying, you should avoid sin. The Bible teaches us that God doesn’t like the prayers of sinners, but He listens to the prayers of the righteous. So if you’re sinning while fasting, your prayers won’t reach God.
The way to connect with God and be a part of His kingdom is through true repentance. The good news is that salvation is available to everyone for free. If we admit our sins, God is faithful and fair, and He forgives our sins and makes us clean from all wrongdoing. This comes from 1 John 1:9 in the Bible.
16. Hypocrisy And Moodiness:

When you fast, you shouldn’t do it to show off or make a big deal about it. It’s supposed to be a personal and private thing. You don’t need to tell everyone that you’re fasting, and you shouldn’t act all sad and grumpy while you’re doing it. In fact, Jesus encouraged believers to stay cheerful and stay connected with others while they fast.
17. Avoid Doubting God:

Prayer is a time to talk to God, and it’s important to have faith in Him. Doubting God during prayer is like being tossed around by the waves in the sea. If you doubt, you shouldn’t expect to receive anything from the Lord because it shows you’re unsure and unreliable.
When you doubt God, you’re essentially doubting His power and His ability to help you. It’s like making God smaller than your problems. According to the Bible, when you doubt, your prayers may not be answered. However, if you have faith and combine it with prayer and fasting, you can have great faith. In fact, the Bible says that if you have enough faith and tell a mountain to move, it will move.
18. Avoid Crowded And Public Places:

When you fast and pray, it’s a good idea to avoid busy, public places. Jesus advised his followers to pray privately, not out in the open. He said that when you pray in secret, God will reward you openly. In other words, you shouldn’t make a big display of fasting and praying.
19. Bitterness And Resentment:

When you’re fasting and praying, it’s important not to hold onto anger or resentment towards anyone. This means you shouldn’t be upset with your spouse or children while you’re fasting because it won’t be effective. Jesus advised us to forgive others when we pray (see Mark 11:25, NIV). To have your prayers work, you genuinely need to forgive people in your heart.
20. Avoid Sensual Activity:

The final thing to remember when fasting and praying is to avoid engaging in physical intimacy. It’s important to note that sexual activity is meant for married couples only. It was designed to bring pleasure and strengthen the bond between spouses. However, while you’re fasting, it’s recommended for married couples to refrain from such activities, so they can focus their time and energy on prayer and being close to God.
Once the fasting period is over, they can return to satisfying their desires. The Apostle Paul underlines that this abstinence should be for a limited time to prevent temptation and sin. As 1 Corinthians 7:5 states, couples should agree to temporarily abstain from intimacy for the purpose of prayer, but afterward, they should come together again to avoid being tempted by lack of self-control.
What Should I Abstain From When Fasting?
This Bible verse from Isaiah 58:3-10 tells us how to fast and pray correctly and what God expects from us. In this verse, the Israelites are wondering why God doesn’t pay attention when they fast and pray while acting humble. Isaiah explains why this is happening.
They are fasting, but on those same days, they only think of themselves and mistreat their workers. They even get angry and ready to fight. That’s why God doesn’t listen to their prayers.
To have a fasting that honors God, you need to surrender your life to Christ completely and genuinely repent. May God give you the grace to do this in Jesus’ name. (Amen)
Things To Avoid When Fasting And Praying
A true Christian who deeply loves the Lord, walks in the company of the Holy Spirit, and follows the Spirit’s guidance doesn’t always need a strict list of what to do or avoid while fasting and praying. They naturally engage in these practices because of their strong faith.
However, there are some things that might hinder you from getting the most out of your fasting and prayer time. These things are not necessarily bad, but they may not be the best use of your time during this period.
For example, it’s not a sin to watch television while fasting and praying, but it’s not the most effective way to spend your time during this spiritual practice. It’s not a wise choice to spend too much of your fasting and praying time in front of the TV trying to keep up with worldly news and entertainment.