“Prayers For Couples in a Relationship” are heartfelt wishes from a Higher Power, asking for blessing, guidance and strength for loving couples – praying together is essential for couples, just as it is for any other. It’s for a relationship. Whether you are newly married or have been together for a long time, praying as a couple can strengthen your relationship and bring you closer.
A short prayer for couples can help you start or end your day on a positive note. It can also comfort you when times are tough and remind you how much your relationship means to you. In this article, we’ll talk about why it’s good for couples to pray together and share some simple prayers you can say together.
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Powerful Prayers for couples in a relationship

Love prayer for couples
Dear God, we ask that you fill our hearts with love for one another, just as you love us without fail. Help us to be patient with each other, like your patience. Let us be kind to one another, just as your love is kind.
May we not envy each other, but instead, embrace humility in our relationship. Let us honor and respect one another, and love each other selflessly, as your love is not self-seeking. Please guide us in loving each other well through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.
Prayer for Each Other
Dear Lord,
Please help my spouse and me to truly love and understand each other. Give us faith and trust in each other. Please let us live together peacefully and happily. We should be patient with each other’s weaknesses and help each other become better.
Help us forgive each other when we make mistakes. Let us be kind, cheerful, and always think of what’s best for the other person. May our love grow stronger each year, bringing us closer to You. Let our love become perfect.
Prayer for Relationship
Dear God,
Thank you for creating us and knowing us so well. We’re grateful that you brought us together and have promised good things for our future. Help us remember that our relationship revolves around you, and you’re the one who guides our path. We seek your wisdom and guidance, and may your peaceful presence protect our hearts and minds through Jesus Christ, our Lord.
Prayer for a Better Relationship
Dear god,
We are grateful to have met each other, and we pray for our relationship. Please support us in every part of this journey together.
Guide us through any difficult times we may face, and help us make good decisions together. May they always look to you for guidance, and may our love for each other be based on your love.
Couples Prayer, After Married

Dear God,
We want to thank you for our life together and for the love and happiness we have in our marriage. We are grateful for our family and our home. Help us always keep our promises to each other and to you.
We need your strength every day as we aim to follow your teachings. Help us be like Jesus in how we love each other—being patient, willing to make sacrifices, showing respect, understanding, being honest, forgiving, and being kind.
Let our love be an example for others, so they can see how wonderful marriage can be when we stay committed and faithful. May our relationship inspire others to do the same.
Let us always be there for each other, offering support, being good friends, and praying for each other. Holy Spirit, guide us in hard times and comfort us when we are sad.
May our life together bring glory to you, Jesus, and show how much you love us.
We pray in Jesus’ name.
Physical Intimacy Prayer
Dear Lord, our strong and loving protector, we are grateful for the happiness you bring into our lives. We appreciate the physical closeness you have given us as a special gift. Help us to enjoy and share this gift with thankfulness in our hearts towards you.
Your teachings remind us that you are a caring Father who gives us wonderful presents. Please guide us in using this gift wisely to express our love and make each other happy. We give you all the honor and power, both now and forever, through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.
Harmony Prayer
Dear Lord Jesus,
Thank you for always taking care of us and giving us what we need. You’ve told us that if we find happiness in you, you’ll make our wishes come true. Please help us support and trust each other in all parts of our lives and relationship. Let us motivate one another to have strong faith in you.
We want to worship you together. You are the God who helps us keep going and cheers us up. Please help us get along with each other so that, together, we can praise Jesus Christ with one voice. In your powerful name, we pray. Amen.
Openness Prayer
Dear God,
We come to you as we talk about our relationship. Please help us be honest about our past, our mistakes, our thoughts, our beliefs, and our dreams. We want to be real with each other and hope for the same in return. Please guide us as we discuss important things openly and honestly. May this bring us closer and help us understand each other better. Amen.
Prayer for Effective Communication
Dear King of Kings and Lord of Lords,
We are grateful that you are the light that shows us the way in life. We ask for your help in communicating better. Please give us the kindness to listen to each other carefully and speak with love. Help us to get rid of any bad feelings and anger when we talk. Let our words be full of kindness and gentleness.
May our communication make our relationship stronger. Please guide our words and our hearts, as we trust in you. We ask for the grace of Jesus Christ to be with us. We pray all of this in the name of Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.
Forgiveness Prayer
Dear Heavenly Father,
We thank you for forgiving all our mistakes and wrongdoings because of what Jesus did on the cross. When we have problems in our relationship, help us to forgive each other just as you have forgiven us. Teach us how to handle conflicts in a way that makes our relationship even stronger.
You’ve promised that you will make everything work out for our benefit, so please help us trust you when we’re going through tough times. You love us and have set us free from our sins through Jesus’ sacrifice. We give you all the glory and power forever and ever. We pray in Jesus Christ’s name, Amen.
Love Expressions Prayer

Dear God of truth,
We ask for your guidance in expressing our love for each other effectively. Please help us use words that truly convey our feelings to our loved ones and are meaningful to them. Grant us the ability to understand each other’s preferred ways of receiving love, whether it’s through words of encouragement, practical assistance, gifts, spending quality time together, or physical affection. Help us gain insight into how our partner shows affection and how they want to receive it. May we learn how to make our partner feel loved and valued.
A Prayer for Abundance
Dear God,
Thank you for giving us the precious gift of eternal life in abundance. You’ve told us to have children and share your love with others. Let us be happy and grateful for our children, and may the love you’ve placed in our hearts overflow to them. Help us have strong faith so we see our lives in the context of eternity. Allow us to experience the love of Christ that goes beyond our understanding, and fill us with your presence. We ask all this in Jesus Christ’s name.
Embracing Differences Prayer
Dear God, please help us be kind to each other, even when we’re very different. Help us understand that it’s okay not to be the same in personality or preferences. Show us that a good relationship is when the other person complements us, which often means they have different strengths, abilities, and perspectives. Teach us to appreciate the unique qualities of the people we care about. Amen.
The prayer that love never fails
Dear God of Love,
We ask that you fill us with love for one another, just as you love us. Your love always trusts, so help us trust each other. Your love always brings hope, so let us have hope and encourage each other in it, knowing it comes from you. Your love never gives up, so may our love for each other endure through life’s challenges. Your love never fails, so may our love remain strong until the end. Please fill us with your love so we can love each other in the same way. We pray in Jesus Christ’s name, Amen.
Prayer for Embracing Our Core Values
Dear Heavenly Father,
Please guide us in living out our personal and shared core values in a genuine way. Give us the strength to understand, respect, and support what matters most to one another. Help us come together in our basic beliefs about life, God, morality, priorities, motivations, and goals. Let us build a relationship based on respect, where we can talk about these things with care and wisdom. Amen.
Prayer of Selfless Love
Dear God,
Thank you for being our protector and source of strength. You’ve promised to always be by our side, never leaving us alone. You’ve brought us together as partners in life. Please help us in our relationships to support, encourage, and serve one another. Let us love each other as selflessly as you love us. You are the God who gives us hope. Fill us with happiness and peace through our faith, so that, with the help of the Holy Spirit, we can be hopeful. We pray all this in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
Unwavering Prayer for Love
Dear Heavenly Father,
Thank you for always keeping your promises. You’ve assured us that when we trust in you, our faith won’t let us down. We’re grateful for your protection throughout our lives. Please guide us in our relationship, no matter what lies ahead. May we always feel the love of God, the grace of Jesus Christ, and the presence of the Holy Spirit with us.
In Jesus’ name, we pray.
Prayer Across Generations
Dear Heavenly Father,
Thank you for being the light that guides us on your path. Your promise in your word is that you can bless us abundantly in all things and at all times. Please help us see our relationship with you in the context of eternity.
We pray that you extend your grace to our descendants for generations to come. May our children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren, and even beyond, experience your blessings.
We believe that you can do more than we can ever imagine, and we give you glory for all generations, now and forever, through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.
Faithful Love Prayer
Dear God,
Please fill our hearts with a love that mirrors your enduring faithfulness. Help us to be patient and kind to one another, just as you are patient with us. Teach us to forgive quickly and not hold grudges. Encourage us to be truthful and honest in our interactions. Guide us to protect and care for each other, just as you protect and care for us. May our love for each other be a reflection of the love you have shown us through Jesus Christ, our Lord.
Prayer for Healthy Life
Dear Heavenly Father,
We want to thank you for creating us in your image. Please help us take good care of our bodies so we can stay strong and healthy. As a couple, we need your guidance to make a plan for a healthy lifestyle, which includes how we eat and exercise. Please keep us together in having a positive mindset and doing things to prevent chronic diseases. We understand that we can either support each other or bring each other down in this area. Please help us encourage and be good examples to each other without being judgmental.
Prayer for Handling Disagreements
Dear God, we ask for your guidance in handling our disagreements with love and peace. Even though we care for each other deeply, we often have different opinions. Please help us address conflicts in a positive and caring manner.
Teach us not to be pushy or insist on doing things only our way. Instead, grant us the ability to be flexible, considerate, and respectful of each other’s perspectives. When we don’t agree, remind us not to react with anger or mockery. Assist us in finding the real reasons behind our disagreements. Amen.
Financial Prayer
Dear loving Father,
Thank you for knowing what we need. Please help us with our money decisions. You’ve told us not to worry but to ask for your guidance in all situations. We pray that you hear us and give us wisdom. Please lead us in our choices, and make us financially secure so we can help others. Keep our hearts pure and close to you. We ask this through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.
Persevering Love Prayer
Dear God, we thank you for being our strong support and safe place where we can always find help. We promised to love each other no matter what happens, just like your word says that even when we go through tough times, we won’t be afraid because you are with us. Please give me the strength to trust you when things are going well and when they are tough. May you fill us with lasting comfort and hope through your grace. We pray this in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
Prayer for Overcoming the Past
Dear God,
We all carry past experiences that sometimes trouble us. These include hurts from past relationships and life events that still affect us today. We also have some wounds from earlier in our relationship. We want to move forward in a healthy way. We don’t want to forget the past, but we want to learn from it, forgive, seek forgiveness when needed, and heal from the wounds. Please help us to move ahead together and not let these things hold us back.
Prayer for Sexual Purity
Dear God, please help us avoid hurting each other through sexual misconduct. Give us the strength to stay away from any improper sexual behavior and to keep our marriage sacred. Help us to manage our desires with purity and respect, as our bodies are places of your Holy Spirit.
Protect us from being drawn into pornography or any form of entertainment that devalues the special bond between a husband and wife. We want to keep our bodies and minds pure for the sake of our relationship and our connection with you. Amen.
Prayer for Developing Spirituality Together
Dear Lord God, the amazing One,
We understand that our faith is crucial for a strong relationship. We’re two imperfect and complex individuals who need your supernatural help. Please guide us in creating an atmosphere within our relationship where we support each other in our spiritual journeys. Help us remember to worship and sing songs to you, both in church and when it’s just the two of us. Remind us to pray for each other and pray together. Encourage us to talk about your teachings and motivate each other to grow closer to you. Amen.
Bind Us Together Prayer
Dear God,
Thank you for always keeping your promises. Your word tells us that when you bring people together, no one should try to separate them. Please help us stay connected through your endless love. Please keep our relationship safe from any harm or problems. Let us feel your constant presence and faithfulness. May the things we say and think be pleasing to you, Lord. We ask for this in the name of Jesus Christ, our Lord.