Have you ever wondered if you’ve lost the connection with the Holy Spirit? Are you looking for signs to help you figure out if the Holy Spirit is still with you or if it has departed from your life? In this article, we will address these questions for people, including Christians, who want to know if the Holy Spirit is still a part of their lives. Now, Without wasting time, let’s explore the “20 Signs The Holy Spirit Has Left” that may indicate the Holy Spirit is no longer present in your life.
Signs The Holy Spirit Has Left – The spirit of Christ
A Christian is someone who has the Spirit of Christ within them. According to Romans 8:9, if you truly have the Spirit of God in you, it means you are living in a spiritual way rather than just a physical one. Those who don’t have the Spirit of Christ can’t be considered followers of Christ. Without the Holy Spirit, you can’t be called a Christian.
Being filled with the Spirit means you have the power of the Holy Spirit to different degrees. To explain, in Acts 4:31, it says that when Christians gathered for prayer, something amazing happened. They were filled with the Holy Spirit, and this made them confident in sharing God’s word. So, being filled with the Holy Spirit makes us more willing, free, and bold in telling others about Jesus. It’s a special and rare occurrence that empowers us deeply.
20+ Signs The Holy Spirit Has Left You
- Prayer To Remove An Evil Person From Your Life
- 40+ Prayers To Break Spirit Of Rebellion
- Prayer For Family Protection And Guidance

If you feel that the Holy Spirit is no longer with you or you are worried and want to know if the Holy Spirit has really departed from you, below are “20+ Signs the holy spirit has left”. By meditating on them, you can know that the Holy Spirit has left you.
- No More Conviction When You Sin.
- No Fruits Of The Spirit In Your Life.
- Evidence Of The Works Of The Flesh.
- Loss Of God’s Presence.
- No Longer Interested In God’s Word.
- No Longer Love The Truth.
- No Longer Interested In Prayer.
- No Desire To Fellowship With Other Believers.
- You Will Love Sin.
- No Desire For Spiritual Things.
- There Will Be No More Conviction.
- Your life doesn’t bear any spiritual fruits.
- Evidence of the Flesh’s Works.
- God’s Presence Not Existing.
- No longer shows any interest in the Bible.
- The Truth Isn’t Appreciated Anymore.
- Lose interest in praying.
- No desire to interact with Christians of other faiths.
- Feeling Spiritually Emptiness and Disconnected.
- Waning Desire for Spiritual Growth.
- Absence of Spiritual Fruits.
- Weakening Prayer Life.
- Struggling Against Sin.
- Disunity and Discord.
- Continuous Neglect of God’s Word.
1: No More Conviction When You Sin

One of the signs that the Holy Spirit has left a person is when they no longer feel guilty or convicted when they do something wrong. This is why they might start willingly doing sinful things.
When another Christian tries to warn them about their sinful behavior, they won’t care anymore because they don’t see anything wrong with what they’re doing. This is because they are completely wrapped up in their own sinful ways, as mentioned in Proverbs 14:14.
The Holy Spirit is the one who usually makes us realize when we’ve done something wrong and helps us avoid sin. But when the Holy Spirit is no longer guiding us, we won’t have that reminder, and we might keep on sinning without feeling the need to repent.
2: No Fruits Of The Spirit In Your Life

If someone no longer has the Holy Spirit within them, there are clear signs. One of these signs is that they won’t exhibit the nine qualities mentioned in Galatians 5:22-23, which are known as the “fruits of the Spirit.” These qualities include love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.
Instead, their behavior will be dominated by what is described in Galatians 5:19-21 as the “works of the flesh.” This means they will engage in sinful actions and desires, such as immorality, hatred, jealousy, and selfishness. This shift occurs because a different influence or spirit is now guiding their life, leading them towards sinful desires that come from their own fleshly desires.
The reason for this change is that the Holy Spirit, who helps believers resist these sinful tendencies and live according to godly principles, is no longer present to guide and empower them.
3: Evidence Of The Works Of The Flesh

The passage in Galatians 5:19-21 talks about the bad things that can happen when we lose the guidance of God’s Spirit in our lives. When we don’t have the Holy Spirit to help us make good choices, we might start doing sinful things like having sex outside of marriage, getting drunk, arguing with others, and being really greedy. These are things we might not have done when we were following the Holy Spirit.
To stop doing these bad things, we need the Holy Spirit’s power, not just our own strength. If we’ve turned away from God and lost the Holy Spirit’s guidance because of our sins, it can be really hard to live a good, godly life without making those mistakes.
4: Loss Of God’s Presence

If you want to feel God’s presence in your life, it’s important to have the Holy Spirit with you. The Holy Spirit helps bring God’s presence to believers.
However, God can’t be where there’s sin, just like the Holy Spirit. So, if there’s sin in your life, the Holy Spirit might leave.
That’s why in 1 Corinthians 6:19, it says that our bodies are like houses for the Holy Spirit. To keep the Holy Spirit with us, we should avoid sin and not do things that go against what’s right.
5: No Longer Interested In God’s Word

If someone doesn’t feel connected to the Holy Spirit anymore, they might not be as interested in reading the Bible. They could find it boring. Instead, they might become more interested in worldly things that satisfy their desires but don’t please God, as mentioned in Romans 8:8.
When the Holy Spirit isn’t guiding you to seek God’s word, which nourishes your soul, you might start preferring worldly pleasures. This is why you might find parties more exciting than going to church, thinking that church is for older people.
6: No Longer Love The Truth

In John 16:13, Jesus promised to send us the Spirit of truth to guide us and protect us from false teachings that are common in many churches today.
If you no longer have the Holy Spirit in your life, as mentioned by Jesus, you might start to become interested in false teachings that you used to dislike. This can make it difficult for you to accept the true teachings of the Bible, which might now seem offensive to you. This happens because the Holy Spirit helps you love the truth and dislike falsehood.
In simple terms, Jesus said He would send the Spirit of truth to help us stay away from false teachings. Without the Holy Spirit, we may become more open to false ideas and find it hard to accept the real teachings of the Bible, which can be challenging to us. The Holy Spirit helps us love what’s true and dislike what’s false.
7: No Longer Interested In Prayer

Prayer is really important for Christians. It’s like a strong foundation that helps you in your spiritual journey. Through prayer, you can overcome spiritual challenges and grow as a Christian.
It’s essential to remember that when you pray, the Holy Spirit is there to guide you. The Holy Spirit helps you pray in a way that aligns with God’s will. This means you won’t just repeat empty words when you pray.
But here’s the thing: If you lose the Holy Spirit in your life, praying won’t feel as meaningful anymore. It might even feel like a burden. So, if you used to pray for an hour every day, you might stop praying altogether if you no longer have the Holy Spirit to inspire and energize your prayers.
8: No Desire To Fellowship With Other Believers

If you no longer have the Holy Spirit in your life, you won’t feel like getting together and spending time with other people who believe in Jesus Christ. This is because you’ll have a different kind of influence guiding you, one that’s not in line with the beliefs of a Christian. The Bible, in Hebrews 10:25, encourages us not to stop meeting with fellow believers because it’s really good for the whole community of Christians.
Instead, you might start wanting to hang out with people who don’t follow Christian beliefs, or those who used to believe but have left their faith for the same reasons as you. This is because you’ll share similar beliefs and attitudes with them.
9: You Will Love Sin

If you no longer feel the Holy Spirit in your life, you might start liking sinful things. The Holy Spirit is from God and really doesn’t like sin. So, if the Holy Spirit is with you, you won’t want to do sinful stuff.
But, if the Holy Spirit isn’t with you anymore, the goodness that Jesus gave you might fade, and you might start enjoying sin and not like doing what’s right. This change can be seen in how you live your life. You might start defending the bad things you do, even though you used to know they were wrong before you turned away from your faith. This is talked about in 2 Thessalonians 2:10.
10: No Desire For Spiritual Things

Finally, if you no longer feel connected to the Holy Spirit, you won’t have any interest in spiritual matters or conversations about them. This is because, as 1 Corinthians 2:14 explains, people who are not spiritually inclined cannot understand or appreciate spiritual things.
You’ll only think about going to church when you have to attend a service. During worship and sermons, you’ll find yourself checking the time frequently because you can’t wait for them to be over.
Instead, you’ll become more interested in worldly pleasures and activities that satisfy your physical desires. It’s important to note that these worldly pursuits cannot offer you eternal life. That’s why you’ll prefer spending your time watching sports or going to parties rather than going to church or reading God’s word.
11: There Will Be No More Conviction

If you don’t feel guilty or regretful when you do something wrong anymore, it might be a sign that you’re losing touch with your faith or spirituality. This can lead you to intentionally continue doing wrong things. Even if another Christian tries to talk to you about your bad behavior, it might not matter much to you because you’re already deep into your wrongdoings.
The Holy Spirit is like a guide who helps us recognize when we’ve done something wrong and encourages us to make amends. But if you start to feel disconnected from this guidance, you might not realize that you’re doing something wrong, and you won’t feel the need to ask for forgiveness. This can lead to more wrongdoing without any sense of consequences.
12: Your life doesn’t bear any spiritual fruits

When someone who believes in God starts doing sinful things again, it can be a sign that they don’t have the Holy Spirit with them anymore. The Holy Spirit brings good qualities like love, joy, and kindness into a person’s life, and when these qualities are missing, it might mean the Holy Spirit is not there.
Instead, the bad things they used to do before believing in God might come back. This happens because a different, sinful part of them takes control, and they start following their wrong desires. This happens because they don’t have the help of the Holy Spirit to do what’s right and avoid doing what’s wrong.
13: Evidence of the Flesh’s Works

Imagine that God’s guidance and support, often referred to as the Holy Spirit, is no longer helping you make good choices in your life, particularly when it comes to following the teachings of Jesus instead of indulging in worldly desires. Because of this, you may find yourself doing things you wouldn’t normally do, like engaging in inappropriate sexual behavior, excessive drinking, arguing with others, giving in to strong desires, and other sinful actions.
Without the Holy Spirit’s assistance, it becomes very challenging to overcome these sinful behaviors on your own. The Holy Spirit is believed to provide the strength and guidance needed to live a righteous life. If, due to your sinful choices, you lose the presence of the Holy Spirit in your life, it becomes much harder to live a life that aligns with godly values and free from sin.
14: God’s Presence Not Existing

If the Holy Spirit leaves your life, you will also lose the presence of God. God’s Spirit is what brings God into the lives of believers. However, God’s presence cannot stay where there is sin. So, when God’s presence goes away from someone because of wrongdoing in their life, the Holy Spirit also leaves.
15: No longer shows any interest in the Bible

When someone loses the Holy Spirit, reading God’s word may no longer excite them. It can become boring and uninteresting. As Romans 8:8 says, if the Holy Spirit isn’t guiding your Christian journey anymore, you might find yourself more interested in worldly things that satisfy your desires instead of focusing on God.
16: The Truth Isn’t Appreciated Anymore

Jesus Christ promised to give us the Spirit of Truth, as mentioned in John 16:13. This Spirit is meant to lead us to all truth and protect Christians from false teachings, which are widespread in some churches today. If the Holy Spirit, who is responsible for the truth Jesus spoke of and safeguards true believers from deception, is no longer part of your life, you might start finding false statements appealing that you once disliked.
17: Lose interest in praying

Prayer is a crucial part of being a Christian because it helps you overcome spiritual challenges and grow in your faith. But if you don’t have the Holy Spirit in your life anymore, prayer can feel like a heavy task and lose its joy. Without the Holy Spirit’s guidance, it’s hard to pray for a whole hour every day.
18: No desire to interact with Christians of other faiths

If you don’t have the Holy Spirit in your life, you might not feel like spending time with other believers because you won’t see any reason to do so. Also, if the Holy Spirit isn’t active in your life to help you recognize when you do wrong, you might start to like doing sinful things.
The Holy Spirit is pure and really doesn’t like sin. So, if the Holy Spirit is with you, you won’t want to do sinful stuff. When God’s Spirit, which Jesus gives you when you truly believe, is in your life, it makes you hate sin and love doing what’s right. But if it’s not there anymore, it might lead you to sin and not care about being good.
19: Feeling Spiritually Emptiness and Disconnected

Feeling like you’ve lost your connection with the Holy Spirit can make you feel empty inside. It’s interesting how the happiness, calm, and contentment that the Spirit gives you can be replaced by this emptiness.
This disconnection might also make you start wondering about why you’re here and what you believe in.
A Bible verse that relates to this feeling is Psalm 51:11, where it says, “Please don’t push me away from you or take your Holy Spirit away from me.
20: Waning Desire for Spiritual Growth

When the Holy Spirit is at work, you really want to grow spiritually and learn more from God’s word.
But if that strong desire starts to fade, and you become less interested, it could mean the Holy Spirit isn’t as active in your life.
Bible Verse to Think About: Galatians 5:16 – “So I tell you, let the Holy Spirit guide your lives. Then you won’t be doing what your sinful nature craves.”
21: Absence of Spiritual Fruits

The Holy Spirit brings out qualities like love, happiness, calmness, patience, being nice, doing good things, staying loyal, being gentle, and controlling oneself.
If these qualities start to fade from someone’s personality, it might mean that the Holy Spirit is no longer with them.
Bible Verse to Think About: Galatians 5:22-23 – “But the Holy Spirit helps us to have love, happiness, calmness, patience, being nice, doing good things, staying loyal, being gentle, and controlling ourselves.
22: Weakening Prayer Life

Praying to God is an important part of being spiritual. When we don’t pray regularly or with strong feelings, it could mean that our connection with the Holy Spirit is not as strong.
Here’s the Bible verse you mentioned in simpler language: Romans 8:26 says that when we don’t know what to pray for, the Holy Spirit helps us by praying for us, even when we can’t find the right words.
23: Struggling Against Sin

The Holy Spirit helps believers beat sin and resist temptation.
If you find yourself stuck in a pattern of sin and can’t seem to overcome it, it might mean that the Holy Spirit’s guidance in your life has weakened.
Let’s look at Romans 8:13 from the Bible: “If you do what your sinful nature wants, you will die spiritually. But if the Holy Spirit helps you put to an end the wrong things you do with your body, you will live spiritually.
24: Disunity and Discord

The Holy Spirit helps believers come together in peace and harmony. If there are arguments and disagreements, it means the Holy Spirit is not there. This is because God’s spirit makes us love and unite with one another.
Bible Verse to Think About: Ephesians 4:3 – “Try your best to stay united in the peace that the Holy Spirit gives.
25: Continuous Neglect of God’s Word

The Holy Spirit helps us understand the Bible and God’s words. When we stop caring about reading and thinking about God’s word, it might mean we’re not connected to the Spirit.
Let’s look at John 14:26 in the Bible: “The Holy Spirit, who God will send in my name, will teach you everything and remind you of what I said.”
To sum it up, it’s important to notice when the Holy Spirit might be leaving us, but we shouldn’t feel hopeless. Instead, we should think about it and take action.
If you see these signs, don’t worry. You can make things better by saying sorry to God and trying to be close to Him again. Remember, the Holy Spirit is a gift for those who really want it.
I sincerely hope that my 20+ signs above, which indicate that you have lost your connection with the Holy Spirit, will help you to reflect on your faith. It is important to make sure that you have not lost the presence of God’s Spirit because of sin. Even if you find that you have, it is still very important to repent so that you can always restore God’s presence in your life. Finally, if you found this post useful, please let me know in the comments below. Feel free to ask any questions about what you’ve read, and don’t forget to share this post with others.
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