When we are born again, something remarkable happens within us. And their thoughts and feelings begin to change as they become more committed to their faith journey. The Holy Spirit changes our hearts. It transforms our hearts from being aloof and indifferent to God to hearts full of love and a strong desire for what is right and pure.
The key to having a close relationship with God and going through this amazing transformation is to confess your mistakes (confession of sin) and trust in Jesus Christ. This change is finally reflected in the way they live their lives. That’s when we really know what it means to be “born again.”
In this blog post, we’ll talk about 10 signs of a born-again Christian that can show you’re a born-again Christian, and of course, Besides these there are many other signs that show that we are born again
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- Confession of Jesus as Lord
- He does not commit sin
- He is obedient to God’s word
- He maintains a life of purity
- He is filled with compassion for others
- An unsatisfying hunger for God’s word
- He does not doubt his status in Christ
- He is joyfully expectant of the return of Jesus
- He is prayerful
- He overcomes temptations and sin
Confession of Jesus as Lord

According to 1 John 5:1, one important sign of being “born again” is confessing your faith. It says, “Everyone born of God believes that Jesus is the Christ.” This means that you need to believe in Jesus and be saved before you can truly be sure of your salvation. It’s not enough to assume you’re saved just because you were raised in a Christian environment, attended church your whole life, got baptized, or tried to live a good and moral life. What’s crucial is openly and sincerely confessing Jesus Christ as your Savior and Lord.
The Bible tells us that because we often do wrong, we are separated from God. There is nothing in heaven that we can buy, no matter how well we do or how hard we try. That’s why God became a man, lived a perfectly good life, died on the cross, and shed His blood for us. Then, he came back to life. He took the punishment we deserved, took the burden of our guilt, and gave us a chance to start anew, like being born again.
He does not commit sin

A person who has found a renewed faith in their life doesn’t regularly do bad things anymore. They used to sin without much thought or regret. Sin and they got along just fine; there wasn’t any problem. But now, a true Christian hates sin, tries to avoid it, fights against it, sees it as their worst enemy, feels burdened by it, cries when they make mistakes, and really wants to be completely free from it. Sin has become something terrible to them, no longer making them happy, and they don’t even care about it anymore.
He is obedient to God’s word

Sure, both Jesus and John agree on the same thing.
“Always stay true to your promises and stay by my side.” (1 John 15:17)
How do we stay close to God? It’s by following His guidance. Jesus once said, “If you obey my instructions, it shows your love for me. And when you love me, my Father will love you in return.” So, let’s ask ourselves today: Are we doing what God asks, or are we going against His wishes and siding with evil forces and the devil?
He maintains a life of purity

The Bible tells us that if we hold on to this hope, it will motivate us to improve ourselves. Do you want to strive for a life of goodness and purity? As stated in the Bible in Hebrews 12:14, “Strive to live at peace with everyone, and to live pure and holy lives, for those who are not holy will not see the Lord.”
Jesus also taught us that the pure in heart will see God (Matthew 5:8). So, when we talk about chastity, it’s not just about being sexually chaste, whether you’re married or not. It is about thoughts, intentions and motives that are in line with what God would consider pure.
Simply put, it means asking ourselves if our actions and intentions are pure in God’s eyes. Do we want others to see and know what we are doing for the right reasons? This is what it means to pursue purity in all aspects of our lives.
He is filled with compassion for others

You can tell if someone is a Christian by looking at their values, how they live their life, and who they care about. The apostle John is clear that love is a big part of being a good Christian, and he talks about it a lot in the book of 1 John.
He says that if we love our fellow believers, it shows that we’ve moved from a state of spiritual death to a new life. In simpler terms, if you genuinely care about and love other Christians, it’s a sign that you’re connected to God because love comes from God.
Do you value and cherish the relationships you have with your fellow Christians, who are like your spiritual family? Those who truly follow God are the ones who appreciate and bring blessings to their fellow believers in God’s family.
An unsatisfying hunger for God’s word

Peter gives us a clue on how to tell if we’ve experienced rebirth. Basically, if you’ve felt the kindness of the Lord, you should let go of hatred, deceit, hypocrisy, envy, and slander.
Instead, you should eagerly desire to learn from the teachings of the Lord, like a baby craving pure milk, and through this, you’ll grow in your understanding of salvation (1 Peter 1:23, 2:1-3 NASB).
In simple terms, this means that when someone is truly reborn and has a personal connection with the Lord, they have a strong hunger for His teachings.
He does not doubt his status in Christ

Many true Christians sometimes struggle with doubts about whether they are truly saved. They often criticize themselves and worry about every mistake or setback they face. Their sensitive consciences lead them to question things constantly. They do have real faith, and they know that God has worked in their hearts. To ease their doubts, the Bible provides comforting assurances.
Sometimes, people who grapple with these doubts end up adopting incorrect standards for salvation. Unfortunately, the enemy takes advantage of these issues and tries to create doubt where God intended for certainty.
He is joyfully expectant of the return of Jesus

A sincere born-again Christian eagerly anticipates the return of Jesus for those who believe in Him. They get ready for this momentous day, living each day as if it could be their last because they truly believe it might be.
He is prayerful

A born-again Christian is someone who no longer feels like praying is a chore or dull. They genuinely enjoy praying and do it regularly. They also pray earnestly for people who haven’t found faith in Jesus yet and keep praying until those people have a meaningful encounter with Jesus.
He overcomes temptations and sin

A person who has become a born-again Christian no longer gives in to the temptations of wrongdoing and their desires. This is because they choose not to indulge their selfish desires, but instead, they strive to make God happy all the time. They are always guided by their inner sense of what is right and good, and they follow that guidance obediently.
What Does It Mean To Be Born Again Christian
Being “born again” in Christianity means experiencing a significant spiritual transformation when you accept Jesus Christ as your personal guide and savior. It’s a crucial belief in Christianity and is rooted in various parts of the Bible. Here are some important Bible verses that highlight this concept:
1: John 3:3 (NIV):” Jesus said, “I tell you the whole truth: unless a person is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.” In this verse, Jesus is talking to Nicodemus, stressing how crucial it is to be spiritually reborn before being able to enter the kingdom of God.
2: John 3:5-6 (NIV): “Jesus explained, “I’m telling you the absolute truth: to enter God’s kingdom, you need to be born both physically (born of water) and spiritually (born of the Spirit). Physical birth is about our bodies, but spiritual birth is about our inner selves.”
Here, , Jesus clarifies that being born again encompasses two aspects: a physical birth (“born of water”) and a spiritual birth (“born of the Spirit”). This transformation signifies a shift from living according to our worldly desires (the flesh) to living under the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
3: 2 Corinthians 5:17 (NIV): It says that when someone believes in Jesus and follows him, he becomes like a completely new person. Their old way of living ends, and they begin a new, fresh life in Christ.
This verse shows how “being born again” is like making a new beginning. It means that you completely change who you are and start a new life with Jesus. Instead of doing anything wrong and moving away from God, you now live a new and better life with Jesus.
4: 1 Peter 1:3 (NIV): “We praise God, who is the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. He’s been incredibly kind to us by giving us a fresh start and a hopeful future, all because Jesus Christ came back to life after dying.”
These verses, along with others, highlight the idea of being “born again” as an important part of the Christian faith. She emphasizes the importance of experiencing a spiritual transformation and starting a new life through a relationship with Christ.
What Happens When You Become Born Again?
When a person is “born again,” it means that they have undergone a major spiritual change and renewed their faith. The Bible contains useful information that can help us understand what happens when this happens.
Forgiveness of Sins:
Acts 2:38 (NIV) says, “Turn away from your wrongdoings and get baptized in the name of Jesus Christ. This will wash away your sins.” When someone truly changes their ways and believes in Jesus, their sins are forgiven.
1 John 1:9 (NIV) reassures us, “If we admit our mistakes, God is reliable and fair. He will pardon our wrongs and make us clean from all that’s not right.” When we confess our sins, God forgives us and makes us pure again.
Indwelling of the Holy Spirit:
In Ephesians 1:13-14 (NIV), it says, “When you heard the true message about how to be saved through the good news, and you believed it, you became part of Christ. At that moment, you were given a special mark, like a seal. This mark is the Holy Spirit that God promised to us. The Holy Spirit is like a guarantee or a down payment that we will receive all the wonderful things God has promised us, like an inheritance. This guarantee lasts until the day when God fully redeems and takes care of all those who belong to Him.”
So, when someone becomes a believer, they receive the Holy Spirit, who helps and strengthens them in their journey of faith.
Adoption into God’s Family:
John 1:12 (NIV) tells us that if we welcome and believe in Jesus, we get to be a part of God’s family. It’s like being adopted by Him. Romans 8:15 (NIV) explains that when we accept the Holy Spirit, we’re not treated like slaves who are scared, but like children who are loved. We can even call God our loving Father, saying, “Daddy.”
New Life and Purpose:
In 2 Corinthians 5:15 (NIV), it says that Jesus died for everyone. When we become “born again,” it means we start a fresh life with a new purpose. Our new purpose is not just to live for ourselves but to live for Jesus, who died for us and came back to life.
Galatians 2:20 (NIV) explains this change in a simple way: “I have been crucified with Christ, which means my old self is gone. Now, it’s not just me living, but Christ lives within me.”
Transformation of the Heart and Mind:
Romans 12:2 (NIV) tells us not to just follow what everyone else is doing, but to change the way we think and become better. When we’re “born again,” it means our hearts and minds change for the better. 2 Corinthians 5:17 (NIV) says that when we’re connected to Jesus, we become new people, leaving behind our old ways and embracing something new.
Victory over Sin and Spiritual Warfare:
Romans 6:6-7 (NIV) tells us that when we become new people through faith, our old sinful selves are like they’ve been put to death. This means that the power of sin over us is broken, and we don’t have to be controlled by it anymore. It’s like being set free from slavery to sin.
Ephesians 6:12 (NIV) reminds us that the battles we face in life aren’t just about people and physical things. There are also unseen spiritual forces of evil that we contend with, like rulers and authorities in a dark spiritual world. It’s important to be aware of this spiritual warfare.
Eternity with God:
John 3:16 in the Bible tells us that because God loves the world so much, He gave us His one and only Son. If we believe in Him, we won’t face eternal destruction but instead will have everlasting life.
Being “born again” ensures that believers have a secure place in heaven. In 1 Peter 1:4-5, it says that this heavenly inheritance will never spoil or disappear. It’s being kept safe by God for all who have faith. God’s power protects us until the final salvation is revealed at the end of time.
It’s worth mentioning that these Bible references help us grasp what occurs when someone becomes “born again.” How this change shows up in a person’s life can be different from one individual to another.
But the main ideas that run through the Bible are about forgiving others, becoming part of God’s family, having God’s spirit inside us, changing our hearts and minds, finding a new life and purpose, beating our wrongdoings, dealing with spiritual battles, and knowing for sure that we’ll be with God forever.
Simply put, when a person is “born again,” it means that he has undergone a profound change in his soul because of God’s love and kindness. He asks for forgiveness and trusts in Jesus Christ, because of which his sins are forgiven, and he becomes part of God’s family.
Being born again should show in how you live every day. It’s not enough to just say you’re born again; you have to live it out in your actions and choices.
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