20+ Signs you are not saved That Can Help You Know Sometimes, people go to church and say they’re saved, but it’s important to know if that’s the truth. This post aims to answer the question: “How do you know if you’re not safe?”
Now, let’s consider these “20+ Signs you are not saved” that indicate you may not really be safe, no matter what you claim.
How Do You Know If You Are Not Saved?

If you have not made a personal relationship with Jesus Christ or have not yet accepted Him as your Savior, or if you are always doing wrong without remorse, you may not be saved. Bible says that believers should look at themselves, ask for forgiveness for their mistakes, and try to live their lives according to God’s will.
Not being safe can mean you haven’t changed yourself, you don’t express love, joy, or peace to anyone, and you ignore God’s words. But the Bible also tells us a lot about God being kind and forgiving. It reminds us that if we truly repent of our sins and trust in Jesus, we can be saved, even if we sometimes feel distant from God. The most important thing is to have faith and give your heart to Christ.
Why Am I Drifting Away From God?
If you are not close to God, and do things that are very bad, repent of those things and turn away from them. If you feel empty inside, guilty, or like you are spiritually alone. By drawing near to God, you can ask for forgiveness, change all your ways, and try to live according to the Bible. You can also pray more, read the Bible and be kind and loving to others. God is always ready to be close to those who really want to be good people.
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Signs You Are Not Saved, According to the Bible
Here are signs that might make you think about your faith if you go to church on Sundays but don’t feel saved. These 20+ Signs You Are Not Saved, can help you realize if your religious practice is meaningful or just for show.
- You Still Don’t See Sin As Sin
- A Rebirth Experience
- You Don’t Have Eternal life in you
- Lack of fruits of repentance
- Without fruits of the spirit
- Physically minded
- Exhibition of meat works
- No desire to follow virtue.
- Becoming a Christian for a Day
- Following false teachings
- will not tolerate sound doctrine
- Don’t want it from yourself
- Hope for life again
- Unbelief in Jesus Christ
- Lack of Repentance
- Absence of Conviction and AssuranceLack of Fruit of the Spirit
- Lack of Fruit of the Spirit
- Continual Practice of Sin
- Absence of Love for God and Others
- Lack of Desire for God’s Word
- Lack of Transformation
- Apathy Towards Spiritual Things
- Lack of Perseveranc
1: You still don’t see sin as sin
If you say you’re a Christian but still really like doing sinful things, it might mean you’re not truly following Jesus. Basically, if you don’t genuinely believe in Jesus and try to live by what the Bible says, you might still enjoy doing bad things even if you said sorry for them just a little while ago.
If you still love your sinful ways, you can’t truly say you’re saved and close to God. In that case, you might just be pretending or going to church without really meaning it, and that’s not good because there’s no hope for someone who’s pretending.
But if you’ve been saved by believing in Jesus and asking Him to forgive your sins, then you won’t really like sinning anymore. Instead, you’ll want to do what’s right and be a good person, just like it says in John 1:29 in the Bible.
2: A Rebirth Experience
One way to know if you are truly saved is by looking for a special change that happens inside you, like what 2 Corinthians 5:17 talks about. This change is like being born again in a spiritual way, where you start wanting to do what is right because of the Holy Spirit’s help, as Titus 3:5-7 mentions.
This new birth experience is something that happens to real Christians. It makes them want to do good things and stay away from bad ones, like Romans 8:1 explains. But if you’re not saved, you won’t have this change inside you. Instead, you’ll still have your old, sinful nature that makes you want to do wrong things and think they’re attractive.
3: You don’t have eternal life in you
It’s important to know that believing in Jesus with all your heart and having faith in Him is the way to have eternal life with God in heaven. If you don’t believe in Jesus and haven’t truly accepted Him into your heart, you might not have eternal life, and it’s possible you could end up in hell.
Eternal life is a special gift that comes from being saved by Jesus, and it means you get to spend forever with God, Jesus, and all the people who have been saved throughout history.
But if you haven’t truly accepted Jesus into your life or if you’re just pretending, then you won’t have this eternal life that Jesus talks about in John 3:16. Instead, you might face punishment and be separated from God unless you change your ways, believe in Him sincerely, and live a life that follows His teachings.
4: Lack of fruits of repentance
If you haven’t really changed your ways and found true salvation in your life, you won’t see the good things that the Bible talks about in Matthew 3:8 happening in your life.
These good things, or “fruits of repentance,” are a clear sign that you’re genuinely saved from your wrongdoings and on a path to heaven. They’re like the good deeds and right actions that someone naturally does when they truly believe in Jesus.
But if you’re not a true believer who has real faith in Jesus Christ, you won’t see these good changes in your life. It’s like how the Pharisees in the Bible pretended to be saved and God’s children, but they didn’t have the good actions to back up their claims.
5: Without fruits of the spirit
The Bible in Galatians 5:22 tells us that when you truly believe in Jesus and change your ways, you’ll start showing nine special qualities called the “Fruits of the Spirit.” These qualities are like gifts from the Holy Spirit, and they show that you’re becoming more like Jesus.
These special qualities help you live a good and kind life, following the ways of the Spirit, and not giving in to your old bad habits, like selfishness or anger, which the Bible mentions in Galatians 5:19.
If you haven’t started believing in Jesus and changing your ways, you won’t have these special qualities yet. Instead, you might still struggle with those old bad habits because you haven’t experienced the new and better way of living that comes from following Jesus.
6: Physically Minded
If you’re not a real born-again Christian, you’ll mostly focus on worldly and sinful things, not on spiritual things that bring life, as it says in Romans 8:6.
Being “carnally minded” means thinking only about things related to your sinful desires and not following the guidance of the Spirit.
It also means living according to your sinful desires like sexual immorality, wanting what others have, and being overly indulgent.
Keep in mind, there’s no such thing as a “carnal Christian” as some people wrongly believe. You’re either a truly born-again Christian or someone who still sins, even if you attend church regularly.
If you’re genuinely saved, you won’t be focused on your sinful desires, but instead, you’ll think about and follow the Spirit’s guidance, focusing on spiritual things.
7: Exhibition of meat works.
The passage from Galatians 5:19-21 talks about behaviors that come from our old sinful nature. These behaviors can show up in our lives because we haven’t truly experienced a change that comes with real salvation, which sets us free from the power of sin and its bad effects.
Sadly, many people say they are Christians but still do these sinful things like drinking too much and having sex outside of marriage. This is why a lot of young people today aren’t waiting until marriage to have sex because they don’t think it’s wrong.
But if you are a true Christian, these sinful behaviors shouldn’t be a part of your life because you have a new nature from Christ. This new nature helps you do what’s right and not follow the old desires that have been taken away when you became a Christian.
8: No desire to follow virtue.
If you’re not a strong believer in Christianity yet, you might not have the strong desire to live a good and holy life in this world, which can be filled with wrongdoing.
This is because you haven’t experienced God’s grace that saves everyone, as mentioned in Titus 2:11. This grace helps you say no to sinful actions and desires, so you can live a pure life.
Before you’re saved, you won’t have the power to resist the temptations of your sinful nature, which lead you to sin.
So, you might not even want to be righteous because our natural instincts often lead us towards sinful things.
But once you truly repent and become a genuine believer, you won’t crave sin anymore. Instead, you’ll crave doing what’s right, and you’ll find satisfaction in it. This is like what it says in Matthew 5:6: “Blessed are those who really want to do what’s right, they will find it and feel content.” Amen to that!
9: Becoming a Christian for a Day
A “Sunday Christian” is someone who only goes to church on Sundays but doesn’t live a Christian life during the rest of the week.
These folks may say they love God, but their actions don’t match their words (like it says in Titus 1:16).
Sunday Christians are quite common nowadays because some people don’t like to hear challenging teachings. They prefer churches that tell them what they want to hear, even if it’s not in line with the Bible (2 Timothy 4:3).
If you find yourself fitting this description, it’s a good idea to change. Instead of just going to church for show, try to genuinely follow God’s teachings. It’s never too late to turn things around and aim for a better life in heaven.
10: Following false teachings
If you’re not saved, you might like false teachings from fake teachers and prophets because they sound nice and make you feel good, even though they’re not true. Nowadays, there are many fake prophets trying to trick people with their false ideas that appeal to our sinful desires (2 Peter 2:1).
But it’s not just the fake prophets’ fault; the people who believe and follow them are also to blame. They choose to accept these false teachings.
Many people today don’t want to hear the truth that would make them realize they’re doing wrong things. Instead, they prefer teachers who say nice but empty words that let them stay comfortable in their sins, even though it doesn’t lead to any good outcomes (Jude 1:12).
However, if you’re a true Christian with a real connection to Jesus, you’ll dislike false teachings because the Holy Spirit of truth is inside you, and it won’t allow you to accept falsehood in your life.
11: Will not tolerate sound doctrine
If you’re not saved, you might struggle with accepting and following the teachings of the Bible, as mentioned in 2 Timothy 4:3. These teachings, often called “sound doctrine,” are crucial for those who believe in Jesus. They help protect you from being misled by false ideas or Satan’s tricks. Unfortunately, many people aren’t willing to embrace these teachings.
If you’re not saved, you might find it hard to accept the Bible’s teachings about living a holy life and putting Christ before yourself. This can feel challenging because our natural instincts tend to favor sinful behavior over holiness. So, anything in the Bible that goes against our sinful desires can seem like an enemy.
On the other hand, if you’re truly saved, you’ll be able to accept and appreciate these teachings. They’ll strengthen your soul because you’re no longer controlled by your old sinful nature. God’s commandments won’t feel burdensome to you; instead, you’ll find them comforting and meaningful (1 John 5:3).
12: Don’t want it from yourself
To truly follow Jesus and become His disciple, you must learn to put aside your own desires and sinful tendencies. Jesus himself said in Matthew 16:24 that anyone who wants to follow Him must be willing to let go of their selfish desires and follow His path, even if it’s challenging.
When we talk about “self,” we mean the part of us that wants to do things that may feel good to us but go against what God wants for us. Sadly, many people find it hard to let go of their selfish desires because they love themselves too much.
But if you really want to be a disciple of Jesus, you have to be willing to say no to your selfish desires, even if it’s difficult or uncomfortable. If you can’t do that, it’s going to be tough to be close to Jesus and be with Him in heaven when you pass away.
13: Hope for life again
If you haven’t accepted salvation, you won’t experience the fresh start the Apostle Paul talks about in 2 Corinthians 5:17 because you haven’t changed inside.
This new life only happens when you have a change of heart and receive a new heart and spirit from the Lord as promised in Ezekiel 36:26.
What’s important to grasp, my friend, is that without this inner transformation, you’ll still have your old sinful nature in your heart, which will lead you back to your sins.
Even if you attend church regularly, you won’t have this new life of holiness and a pure heart. This will become clear through your sinful actions. Remember, a change of heart is what leads to a change in how you behave and who you are.
This is because, without that new heart that comes with salvation, you won’t have the strength to live a godly life in this sinful world.
14: Unbelief in Jesus Christ
The central figure of Christianity is Jesus Christ, and faith in Him is essential for salvation. John 3:36 states, “Whoever believes in the Jesus has eternal life, but whoever rejects the Jesus will not see life, for God’s wrath remains on them.” Those who do not believe in Jesus as the Son of God and the Savior are not saved. Faith in Jesus Christ as the only way to salvation is fundamental to the Christian faith (John 14:6; Acts 4:12).
15: Lack of Repentance
One of the clearest signs that someone might not be saved is when they don’t truly say sorry and change their ways.
Saying sorry, or repenting, means realizing that we’ve done wrong things, feeling bad about it, and deciding to stop doing those bad things. The Bible talks about how important it is to say sorry in Luke 13:3. Jesus said, “If you don’t say sorry and change, bad things might happen to you.” Without saying sorry and changing, we can’t really find salvation or goodness. When we truly say sorry, it makes us want to be better and do things that make God happy.
16: Absence of Conviction and Assurance
If you’re not sure about your mistakes and don’t feel a special connection inside that tells you that you belong to God, it might mean that you haven’t accepted God’s love yet. The Holy Spirit helps people by making them realize when they do wrong things, encouraging them to say sorry, and letting them know that they’re part of God’s family.
17: Lack of Fruit of the Spirit
In the Bible, it talks about something called the “fruit of the Spirit.” This is like a list of good things that should show up in a person’s life when they have a strong connection with God. These good things include love, happiness, peace, patience, kindness, being good, staying loyal, being gentle, and controlling yourself. So, if someone says they believe in God but they don’t show these good qualities in their life, it might mean they don’t really have a strong connection with God.
But don’t worry, it’s okay if these good qualities don’t appear all at once when someone starts believing in God. Over time, as they learn more about God and follow His guidance, these good qualities should start to show up in their life. It’s like when you plant a seed in the ground; it takes time for the plant to grow and produce fruit. It’s the same with our connection to God – it takes time to see these good qualities grow in us.
18: Continual Practice of Sin
Being a Christian doesn’t mean you’re perfect and never make mistakes. But if someone who says they’re a Christian keeps on intentionally doing wrong things without feeling sorry or trying to do better, it makes us wonder if they are truly a Christian. In a Bible verse, it says that people born of God don’t want to keep on sinning, and they feel bad when they do wrong. So, if someone claims to be a Christian but doesn’t seem to care about doing bad stuff, it makes us question if they really believe in God.
19: Absence of Love for God and Others
Jesus taught that in Christianity, love is really important. He said that the most important things to do are to love God and love the people around you (Matthew 22:37-39). If someone doesn’t truly love God and others, it might mean they haven’t really experienced the powerful change that comes with salvation.
When you’re truly saved, your heart changes, and you start to love God and want to love and help others (1 John 4:7-8; 1 John 3:14).
20: Lack of Desire for God’s Word
The Bible is God’s special book, and it’s super important for our spiritual growth. Real believers really love reading it because it helps them understand how to live a good, godly life. In Psalm 119:11, it says, “I keep your words in my heart so I don’t do bad things.” If someone doesn’t want to read and learn from the Bible, it might mean they don’t truly believe in God. The Bible is like a flashlight that shows us the right way to live. It tells us about who God is, what He wants, and the good things He promises us.
Believers who truly believe in God enjoy reading and thinking about the Bible. They want to live the way God says is right, and they let the Bible guide their thoughts and actions.
21: Lack of Transformation
When a person finds salvation, something amazing happens in their life. It’s like they get a fresh start. This Bible verse, 2 Corinthians 5:17, says that when someone believes in Jesus, they become brand new. All the old, bad stuff they used to do is gone, and they want to do what God says is right.
If someone says they believe in Jesus but they keep doing the same bad things they used to do, it makes us wonder if they really believe in Him.
22: Apathy Towards Spiritual Things
People who truly believe in God really want to connect with Him and learn more about their faith. They like spending time with other believers, praying, worshiping, and helping others. In the Bible, Hebrews 10:25 tells us not to skip coming together with fellow believers. If someone often doesn’t care about spiritual stuff, isn’t interested in hanging out with other believers, and doesn’t make God a priority, it might mean they’re not truly saved.
23: Lack of Perseverance
People who truly believe in Jesus don’t give up on their faith when things get tough. Jesus once said that if you start doing something for God and then change your mind or get distracted, you’re not really ready to serve in God’s kingdom. Some people who aren’t truly committed to their faith might give up easily when they face problems or temptations.
How do I know if I am saved?
According to the Bible, believing you are saved means accepting Jesus as your Savior and saying, “Jesus is Lord.” It shows your trust in Him and His sacrifice for your sins.
Or you may have survived by making positive changes in your life, such as becoming a more loving, cheerful, peaceful, patient, kind, good, loyal, gentle, and self-controlled person.
Always read the Bible, pray to the Lord, and always spend time with other believers. But the most important thing is to have faith in Jesus and have a personal relationship with Him. The Bible says of people like you that you are saved.
7 Kinds of people that CAN’T be saved
We cannot say for sure whether one is saved or not, it depends on God. But there are some things that can make us think that a person is not really saved. All we need to know is that salvation comes from God’s love and faith in Jesus.
If you see any of these things in your life, approach God, read His book (Bible), and think about God in your heart. God is kind and wants everyone to come to Him, so if you believe in Jesus, He will give you the gift of salvation.
Finally, if this post has helped you, please share it with others, as it may help them as it has helped you. Take care and be blessed.
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