You may be going through a difficult time, feeling like God has left you behind because of painful experiences or mistakes you’ve made. Even in the Bible, there are stories where it seemed like God wasn’t helping at first, but in the end, He used those circumstances to accomplish His plans.
Think of Joseph, who was betrayed and falsely accused by his brothers. He could have been angry and felt abandoned by God, but he remained faithful. Eventually, he became one of the most important people in Egypt and saved his people from famine.
The same goes for you. Even if it seems like God isn’t helping directly right now, He hasn’t left you. If you have these signs, it is a sign that God is still with you.
Signs That God Has Not Abandoned You

Most people when they find themselves in difficult times think that God has forgotten them or doesn’t care. Not at all. God loves you very much and always cares for you. Yes, if the person who does not listen to Him or does not follow His way, God would hate him for some time. If you think so, I am going to tell you (20 Signs That God Has Not Abandoned You) that will make you believe that God has not left you.
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Allows you to fight through tough times

Are lots of problems a sign that God has forgotten about you? If you think God is being mean for letting you go through tough times, think again.
It’s not God who gives you these problems. We live in a troubled world because of human mistakes. That’s why we have sadness, pain, illness, death, and other difficulties. If God has allowed you to face problems, it might be because He’s testing your faith, just like what happened to Job in the Bible (Job 1:6-22).
God hasn’t stopped loving you. He actually believes in you. He trusts that you’ll stay faithful to Him, even when life gets hard, and in the end, He plans to show His greatness in your life.
You wake up every morning

The fact that you’re here today means that God hasn’t forgotten about you. No matter how bad yesterday was, what counts is that you have a new opportunity to start fresh. If God had really given up on you, He wouldn’t be giving you another chance.
Everything is there for you to eat

Have you ever been really worried about what you’d eat for the day because you didn’t have any money left? Then, out of the blue, there’s a knock at your door, and it’s your neighbor with a big smile, holding some food. You might have many problems or not much money right now, but if you can still have a meal, it means that God is still looking out for your needs.
Luke 12:24:
“Think about the birds. They don’t plant seeds or gather crops, and they don’t have places to store food. But God takes care of them. You are even more important to God than the birds.”
other ones who support you

God shows His love by putting people around those He cares about. If you have family or good friends with you during tough times, you are truly blessed.
You are all safe and sound at home.
Certainly, having good health is the greatest gift for your family, isn’t it? Many people have lost their loved ones due to the ongoing health crisis, so it’s important to be thankful for each day that you and your family are well, safe, and alive. Express gratitude to God for keeping you and your loved ones safe.
You have a source of income

Many people do not currently have a job. If you still have a job, even if you don’t make much, be grateful. It is not right to feel that God has abandoned you when there are so many others who are going through hard times and you are trying to live comfortably.
You have a house

If God didn’t like you, He might have made you lose your home and forced you to sleep outside in the cold. So, if you can still sleep in a warm bed, you should feel lucky.
Your problems

The ability to solve your problems comes from God. If you can conquer every challenge in your life, it means God is on your side. He keeps helping you even when you can’t feel His presence.
You are alive after a hard time

You might have felt like God left you because you went through really tough times. But, if those difficult moments taught you valuable lessons and made you tougher, God had good reasons for it. He knew that you needed these challenges to become stronger.
A passion for forgiving those who hurt

As people often say, “forgiving others is a special thing.” Forgiving those who hurt you a lot can be tough, especially if you don’t feel the goodness of God in your life. When you remember that God has forgiven your mistakes, it makes it easier to forgive others. Thinking about this shows that God is still making your heart better.
Your Prayers Are Not Answered

Do you ever feel sad because it seems like God doesn’t listen to your prayers or because He didn’t give you what you wanted? It’s important to know that sometimes when God says “no” to our prayers, it’s actually the best answer. He’s in control and knows what’s best for us in the long run.
Even if you don’t understand why He didn’t give you what you wanted now, one day you’ll realize it was for a good reason, and you’ll be thankful. It’s also possible that what you asked for wasn’t in line with what God wants for you. God is wise and won’t give you something that could make you selfish or harm others.
You have a good future

You might be feeling down right now, but if you can see even a tiny bit of brightness ahead, that means there’s a chance for things to get better. And you can have hope if you believe that God is there for you in the future. In other words, if you’re sure that God has good days in store for you, it means He hasn’t abandoned you.
There are new opportunities in life

If you keep getting chances for good things, it means that God is still looking out for you. He wants you to succeed and become the best version of yourself to fulfill your purpose in life.
Still looking for God

Someone who feels like God has left them wouldn’t want to talk to Him. It’s actually God who brings people closer to Him. So, if you feel a connection with Him, it means He still cares about you. Even Jesus Christ talked about this.
John 6:44:
“Nobody can choose to follow me unless God, who sent me, helps them. And I promise to bring them back to life on the final day.”
Your heart still wants me to pray

If you feel like praying, it means you still believe in God or have a connection with the Holy Spirit. If God had abandoned you, you wouldn’t want to pray.
1 Corinthians 6:19:
“Do you realize that your bodies are like special places where God’s Spirit lives? God gave you His Spirit, so you don’t really belong to yourself.”
You still thank God

If you can still find things to be thankful for, it’s a sign that you have God’s support. You’re still receiving good things from Him, and He continues to show kindness in your life.
God’s word brings comfort

Do you still find inspiration when you read the Bible? If you do, it means that the Lord’s message still touches your heart. Remember that those who don’t believe in the Bible might not grasp its meaning, and they might consider believers to be foolish for reading it.
You should Pursue God’s Grace
As long as you’re alive, don’t lose hope in God’s love. Even if you’ve made a mistake and are facing its consequences, remember that God’s anger won’t last forever.
In Psalm 103:8-9, it says that the Lord is kind and patient, not quick to get angry, and full of love. He won’t always blame us or stay angry forever.
All you have to do is admit your mistakes and ask for forgiveness from the Lord. He is merciful and forgiving and will give you a second chance.
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