Here you will find 30+ Psalms to win court case From which you will get sure success. Life and personal experiences have shown us that the Psalms have incredible power. You can use them to tap into God’s power and improve your life, situations and circumstances.
As a Christian, if you are honest and self-confident, you will certainly do well in any legal matter. Therefore, it is important to pray for a positive outcome in court. No one wants to lose their legal case. But a court case can be really scary because you never know what will happen. When you pray for good results, it gives you peace of mind and trust that everything will turn out well with God’s help.
We have compiled these psalms to win to court cases to provide you with a valuable resource to connect with God’s power.
Simply put, when you declare the Word with God, the psalm becomes the ultimate force to bring about change, as described in the Bible in Isaiah 55:10-11.
The Power for Psalms to Win Court Case

When you pray to win a legal battle, it shows that you have complete trust in God. Even when you are stuck in a difficult situation, a single prayer can make it easier. Here are some 30+ Very Powerful Psalms To Win Court Case. that you can use when facing a court case that will surely help you win the court case.
30+ Powerful Psalms To Win Court Case
The following are the best psalms for winning a court case that you can use to connect with your God and overcome your difficulties.
Psalms No: 1
Plead my cause, O LORD, please be with me in this difficult time and help me as I face those who are trying to sue or fight me.
Psalms No: 2
Arise, O Lord, in your wrath, and defend me against my angry enemies. Now is the time to deliver the justice you promised everyone."
Psalms No: 3
"Never shame those who trust you, but shame those who do wrong without reason."
Psalms No: 4
Oh God, please stand up for me and protect me against those who don't follow your way. Always protect me from those who lie and do wrong."
Psalms No: 5
God's judgment came from heaven, and the earth was silent in fear. When God rose for His judgment and then He saved all the humble people on earth, consider it.
Psalms No: 6
Please save me by your goodness and help me out of this difficult situation. Hear my cry and keep me safe.
Psalms No: 7
Stand up, my God, make your own case, remember how the foolish and foolish man reproaches you daily.
Psalms No: 8
God, please pay attention to us and shine your light on us, then we will be saved.
Psalms No: 9
Put those arrogant people who unjustly oppose me to shame in front of everyone. They had no reason to treat me this way. But instead, I will focus on meditating on your teachings.
Psalms No: 10
They've hidden a trap for me in a hole for no reason, just like they've dug a hole for my life without any good reason.
Psalms No: 11
Take my case and redeem me. Revive me according to the promise of your word.
Psalms No: 12
I believe that the Lord will always uphold the rights of His servants and the poor.
Psalms No: 13
When I wake up in the morning cause me to hear the voice of your compassion, for I trust in you. Show me the straight path in which I should walk, for I am devoted to you with all my heart.
Psalms No: 14
Never let my enemies rejoice over me unjustly: nor turn away the eyes of those who hate me without cause.
Psalms No: 15
Judge and do justice: Do not hand me over to these oppressors.
Psalms No: 16
Come, arise and pay attention to my difficult situation, my God and my Lord, stand up for me and help me in this difficult situation.
Psalms No: 17
God always does righteousness and justice for those who are oppressed. God is never on the side of the oppressor.
Psalms No: 18
Rise up, O LORD, thwart his plans, bring him low: rescue my soul from the wicked.
Psalms No: 19
Please never allow my enemies to control me, for they have produced false witnesses who speak maliciously.
Psalms No: 20
You have control over my fate. Protect me from my enemies and those people who want to harm me.
Psalms No: 21
If someone loves me deeply, I will protect and elevate them, because they truly know who I am.
Psalms No: 22
Guide me according to your teachings, and don't let sin control me. Rescue me from the harm caused by others, and I promise to follow your guidelines.
Psalms No: 23
Hurry up and help me, save me from more trouble caused by people I don't know. They speak empty words and cannot be trusted.
Psalms No: 24
Hear my request because I am really in trouble. Please protect me from those who are tormenting me because they are more powerful than me.
Psalms No: 25
Deliver me, O LORD ,I have come to you for my protection because you are the protector.
Psalms No: 26
Get up and show kindness to (Name), for the moment to bless her, indeed the right moment, has arrived.
Psalms No: 27
Please, come to our aid and save us because of your kindness.
Psalms No: 28
Please protect my soul and rescue me, so I don't feel embarrassed, because I trust in you. May my honesty and righteousness keep me safe, as I rely on you.
Psalms No: 29
Show your amazing love and kindness, O you who save those who trust in you with your mighty hand, protecting them from those who oppose them.
Psalms No: 30
Dear Lord, I humbly ask for your help. Please come quickly to help me. May those who are trying to harm me be ashamed and confused at the same time. Let them be turned to shame, especially those who want to harm me.
Read more: 10 Signs You Are Born Again
Most Powerful Psalms To Win Court Case

- A Powerful Prayer For Court Case Victory
- A Dangerous Prayer For Court Case
- A Prayer For Court Case Dismissed
- Prayer To Win Court Case
- Prayer To Win Court Case For A Friend
- Prayer To Win Court Case For A Relative
- Court Case Prayer For Favor
- Prayer To Triumph In Court
- A Prayer To Win An Enemy In Court
- A Prayer For Court Victory
A Powerful Prayer For Court Case Victory

In your word, you have promised that if I pray in the name of Jesus, you will answer and reveal wonderful things. I stand by that promise and thank you for keeping it.
I firmly believe that no plan to harm me will work, and that any negative talk will be avoided during my legal proceedings. In the name of Jesus, I ask you to deliver me from harm so that I can live without fear and dread.
A Dangerous Prayer For Court Case

Dear Lord, I pray in Jesus Christ’s name that any unfair schemes or judgments the enemy has plotted against me be set aside. I ask for divine intervention to expose and nullify any hidden or open attempts to manipulate my situation.
I trust in you to be my advocate and take the forefront in this matter. I pray that you grant wisdom to every witness involved so that it is used honestly and not taken advantage of. In Jesus’ name, I proclaim my victory through your divine intervention. Amen.
A Prayer For Court Case Dismissed

Dear Lord,
I turn to you for hope and strength during my ongoing legal case. I ask for your guidance in the name of Jesus Christ.
Please help me in this situation. Confuse my opponents so they don’t know which way to turn, both before and during the lawsuit. Let your words be a shield against any false witnesses or evidence they might present. I pray that when they speak, their words become senseless and ineffective, starting with their lawyers, in Jesus’s name.
I believe that with your help, I will come out victorious, and everyone will see that you were on my side. Please protect me from any challenges, physical or spiritual.
Prayer To Win Court Case

Dear God,
I’m reaching out to you today with all my worries about this legal issue. You know how tough and heart-wrenching this journey has been for me.
Please look over everything that happens in the court, from what the judge decides to all the information shared during the hearings.
I need you with me as I go through this, to calm my anxious thoughts and bring me your everlasting peace. Please remind me that you’re always looking out for me. Let your victory be mine, in Jesus’ name, amen.
Prayer To Win Court Case For A Friend

Dear Lord,
I’m praying for my dear friend who’s going to court. I hope that all the witnesses can speak honestly and clearly.
Please shield him from anyone trying to twist the truth or hide important information that could help him.
Take away his worries, and I look forward to celebrating when this legal issue is resolved.
Please guide us through this situation. In Jesus’ name, we pray for a successful and lasting outcome, and we’ll give you all the credit and thanks.
Prayer To Win Court Case For A Relative

Dear Almighty and everlasting God,
I come to you with a heavy heart, knowing that you understand my innocence. Please thwart the plans of my enemies in my upcoming court case, in the name of Jesus.
Lord, help calm my anxious thoughts and listen to my plea. Show me your mercy and grant me the advantage in the courtroom. Intervene in my case, so the outcome is in my favor. I pray that I may find relief from this distress and resolve the legal issues that trouble me.
Let the laws of the land work in my favor. Righteous God, hear my cries, protect me, and defend my cause. You are the greatest of all. In Jesus’ name, I pray for victory. Amen.
Court Case Prayer For Favor

Lion of Judah, Powerful Protector, You understand the struggles of the vulnerable. I believe without a doubt that You will hear my cries and comfort my dear friend.
I have faith that You will make sure I get the fairness I deserve, so I don’t have to endure any more harm or fear. We need You now more than ever, Father.
I trust that You will stand by my side and shield me. I know You are with me during the trial and in the courtroom, and You are in charge of the court’s success. In Jesus’ name, I pray, Father, please hear my plea and step in. Amen.
Prayer To Triumph In Court

Dear Savior,
I believe in you to keep me safe. When I step into the courtroom, I put my trust in you, not the lawyers or the judge. Just like you’ve taught us in Exodus 14:14, I’ll remain calm and let you handle things.
I know that you hold the key to my success in this court case, and I’m confident you’ll provide it, just as you always have. I pray for you to hear my plea, and I’m genuinely grateful for your guidance toward victory in this situation.
You’ve always been there for me, and I’m certain this time is no different. In Jesus’ name, I trust completely in your mercy for victory. Amen.
A Prayer To Win An Enemy In Court

Dear God,
I come before you with a sincere heart, seeking justice. Please listen to my prayer. You know the goodness within people, and you understand the circumstances and intentions in my heart.
I’m currently praying for a positive outcome in my court case, and I hope the odds are in my favor. I ask for your divine help in my legal situation. You mean the world to me, and I humbly request your support.
In Jesus’ name, I pray for your guidance and assistance. Amen.
A Prayer For Court Victory

Dear Almighty God,
I’m here, full of hope, asking for your help in this legal battle. You’re like my strong foundation and my rescuer. I truly believe you’ll guide me to victory.
As I go to this hearing, I’m grateful because I know you’re the most powerful, even over earthly matters like this case. Whether I win or lose, it’s all in your hands.
My Savior, I admire and thank you. You’re my God, and you look out for me. Thanks for making sure this case is judged fairly. Let your presence be known here. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.
Bible verses for victory in court cases
- Psalm 119:78 – “People who lie and They want to oppress me “Let the insolent be ashamed, As long as I live I will obey your commandments”.”
- Psalm 80:3 – “O God, bring us back and show us your love and light, so we can find salvation!”
- Psalm 16:8-9 – “I always focus on the Lord, and with Him, I feel strong and safe. Because of which, my heart is happy, and I cannot express my happiness in words. I find peace for my body”
- Psalm 119:154 – “God Please stand up for me and rescue me; grant me life as you promised!”
- Psalm 35:7 – “They set a trap for me without any reason, trying to harm my life for no good cause.”
- Psalm 143:8 – “Please show me your love for I trust in you. Help me to understand the right path, I lift up my soul to you.”
- Psalm 140:12 – “I believe that God helps those who are in trouble and will ensure justice for those in need.”
- Psalm 17:6-7 – O God, turn your ear to me and listen to me because when someone calls you, you answer him. Show forth your love, the love that protects those who seek refuge in you from their enemies.”
Psalms To Victory In Court Case
When you understand that God ultimately decides what happens in your life, it’s important to sincerely pray and ask for His help before you go to court. When you pray with faith, God will listen and support you, increasing your chances of winning your case.
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